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The Administration section is used to access various System Setup Screens.  Access to the Administration section should be limited to the applicable authorized users.


Most of the initial setup is handled through Administration.  In addition, your system administrator will use the Administration module to perform other administrative tasks from time to time.  The following reflects the options available under the Administration module.




The Administration Menu is where you will enter the setup data needed for ExpressMaintenance.  The options under the Administration Menu are listed in alphabetical order.  However, it is recommended that you enter setup data in the following order (though not required by any means).  Keep in mind that you can return to any of these screens to enter additional data at any time.



Codes - Many of the selection codes for ExpressMaintenance are found under the Codes setup screen.

Services - Enter each type of service that will be used.  Include pertinent notes and safety data.

Companies - Vendors and supplier records as well as customer records if you bill for services.  You must enter this data yourself.

Cost Centers - Setup cost centers or ATA Codes to be applied to services performed and parts used.

Employees - Enter each employee who might be assigned a work order (mechanics) or who may create a purchase order.

Vendor Terms - Terms that may be offered by vendors (suppliers).  Most terms are already entered for you.

Sites / Locations - Offers the ability to separate equipment and parts based on sites and / or locations as you define.

Defaults - Minimum data entry.  Company name, preferences, etc.

Forms Setup - Define and point to files in a common folder to be used for general maintenance.



Reports - Manage reports with options to create new reports, export, import, etc.

Requesters - Define and manage requesters to be used in ExpressRequest.

Field Locks - Define any required and non-editable fields for each table.

Registration - Enter your Serial Number and Registration Code to activate ExpressMaintenance permanently.

User Accounts - Enter each user along with access permissions.

Email Test - Utility for testing the setup of email features of ExpressMaintenance.



Backup & Restore - Options for backing up and restoring your database.

Databases & Connections - Dialog for creating new SQL databases as well as testing connections.

Rebuild Views - Option to rebuild the SQL database views used by ExpressMaintenance.