Field Locks

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Field Locks


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Field Locks



Administration / Mange / Field Locks



ExpressMaintenance allows for screen level permissions under Administration / Manage / Employees.  The Fields Management screen allows yo to define specific fields in specific tables as Required and as locked for editing or insert.  You can insert fields by selecting the table and field and then selecting the Require Type.




Inserting / Editing

To insert or edit a record, simply click on the data navigator at the top of the screen.


Data Fields

Table Name - The name of the database table.


Field Name - The field name within the database table.


Require Type - Select the type of requirement for the field.

Not Blank: The field must contain something, cannot be blank.

Not Zero: The field must contain a numeric value greater or less than 0.

Not Required: The field is not required but has a lock setting.


Lock On Insert - Check to lock the field on insert of a new record in the table.


Lock On Edit - Check to lock the field on edit of the table.


Record Number - Check to show the record number created in ExpressMaintenance.


Inserting / Editing in Data View

To insert or edit in data view simply highlight the record and click data view or double click the record you want to edit.




Data Field

All available fields from the grid properties will display in data view window.