Getting Started/Overview

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Getting Started/Overview

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Getting Started/Overview



ExpressMaintenance and ExpressRequest are easy to use applications that offers a world of benefits to your organization and its employees.  You will find it quite easy to navigate around ExpressMaintenance.  However, it is recommended that you review this section to get a quick understanding of the way this application works.


When you are ready, take a look at the Entering Data to begin applying ExpressMaintenance for your maintenance management.


Getting around in the program using the Main Toolbar.

Entering and maintaining data with the Data Navigator.

Using the Data Grids in some screens.

Selecting from picklists with the Lookup Combos.

Entering Notes in certain screens.

How to finds record using Search options.

How to find records using the Filter & Group options.

Using the Print Button on some screens.

Printing Reports in the report screens.

Designing and Customizing Reports.

Getting starting with setup Data Entry.