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Navigation: Getting Started/Overview > Search, Filter, & Find >




Most data screens query all records from the database engine upon opening of the screen.  For situations where the number of records are limited, this is effective and performance is excellent.

However, some screens do not afford the ability to query all records because of the large quantity of records that would be returned.


Such screens include:

Purchase Orders

Work Orders

Service Overview

Parts Receiving


In these cases, the program initially queries a limited amount of data based on a predefined date range as setup under Administration / Configuration / Performance settings.


The Search Panel allows for broader or more refined searching from the database engine.  You can enter a new date range or enter other specifics to query records from the database engine.  Looking at the image below, you will see that you can also select a field to search by and enter a search value.  

This is the same functionality that existed in version 8.




So in the screens mentioned above, use the Search panel to query the desired set of data records and then use the Find & Filter options to further locate data within the grid data.


To open and close the Search panel, click the Finding button in the Navigator Bar.  In screens where all records are queried from the database engine when the screen is opened, the Search button simply displays the Find bar.


The overview tab consist of a Data Navigator bar across the top along with a grid filled with the data returned from the initial query of the database engine.

There are many powerful features available from the overview page as a result of the new grids in version 9.


See Also:

Purchase Orders

Work Orders

Service Overview

Parts Receiving