Express Requests

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Express Requests


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Express Requests



Administration / Setup / Configuration / Express Requests



Most of the options here are simple off/on options. Here you can specify how ExpressRequest is to function for end users making maintenance requests.




Require Valid Unit - Selecting on/off will require a valid unit and not allow requester to type a service description.  They must select from the official locations setup by the administrator.

Include Inactive Units in Pick List - Click on/off to include inactive units in the pick list of equipment in ExpressRequest.

Require Valid Service - Selecting Yes indicates that users cannot type a service description.  They must select from the official locations setup by the administrator.

Allow Users to View Others Requests- Check to allow users to view the requests of others.  Otherwise, they are limited to seeing their own requests only in ExpressRequest.
ExpressRequest Web Password - Enter a password to be used by users to log into ExpressRequestOnline

Default Notes in New Requests - Allows for entry or pasting of a default form or text to appear in notes field when a user creates a new request.

Require Sub Requestor - Click on/off to force the users to have to enter a Sub Requester before saving a new Request.