Charges & Auto Apply

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Charges & Auto Apply


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Charges & Auto Apply



Administration / Setup / Configuration / Work Orders / Charges & Auto Apply



Work order defaults are divided into three different sections.  Enter your preferences for work orders under each section.





Default Labor Rate - The default labor rate to be used when charging other companies or departments for services rendered.

Default WO Tax Rate - Enter the default tax rate to be used on Work Orders.  You can override the rate on any given work order.

Compute Taxes on Labor - Indicates if the program should compute taxes on labor in work orders.

Compute Taxes on Parts - Indicates if the program should compute taxes on parts in work orders.

Auto Add Part Item - Select the part / item description to be automatically added to work orders.

Auto Add Formula - Select the formula to be used for auto adding the additional charge / part to work orders.  Basis options include: Flat Rate, Total Cost, Labor Cost, and Parts Cost.

Auto Add Rate - Enter the rate or flat amount to correspond with the Auto Add Formula.

Auto Add Parts Taxable - Indicate if the auto add item / part is to be taxable.

Auto Add To All Work Orders - Indicate if by default the auto add charge applies to all work orders or just those selected.

Other Costs Auto Percent of Parts - Indicate a percentage of the labor total that is to be computed for the Other Costs field.

Other Cost Auto Percent of Labor - Indicate a percentage of the parts total that is to be computer for the Other Costs field.