Managing Requests

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Managing Requests

Your maintenance requests can be instantly viewed in the main screen.  Requests are grouped by status codes.  The statuses are listed in the left panel.  When you click on a status, your requests are instantly displayed in the grid on the right panel.



Express Request


Express Request Online



While viewing your requests, you can also:

View different request by status

Browse the request within a status

Sort the request in the desired order

Select a request for editing

Edit a request

Insert a new request

Print a request report

Change the grid properties (layout)


Viewing Requests

You can view your requests for each status by clicking on the desired status in the left panel.  To view all requests, click on "All" in the top of the left panel.

All - All requests regardless of status.

Drafts - Requests you have entered but not submitted.

Submitted - Request entered and submitted to maintenance for attention.

Reviewed - Reviewed by maintenance but not assigned to a work order.

Assigned - Requests that have been assigned to a work order.

Completed - Requests that have been completed via a work order.

Un-Resolved - Requests that cannot be immediately resolved via work order.

Rejected - Indicates the maintenance department has rejected the request.

Cancelled - Requests that have been canceled by you or maintenance.


Browsing Requests

When multiple requests are displayed for a specific status, you can browse through the requests by using the vertical scroll bar on the right of the grid.  You can also use the Next and Previous buttons of the data toolbar at the top of the screen.


Sorting Requests

To change the sort order of the your requests, simply click on the title button at the top of the grid column.  Clicking the title button again toggles between Ascending and Descending order.



For example, click on the title button of the Requester column and your requests will be sorted by the Date Requested in Ascending order.  Click the button again and your requests will be sorted by Date Requested in Descending order.   A small indicator arrow will appear in the title button to indicate the sort direction.


Selecting A Request

You may want to select a request for the purpose of editing, adding follow-up notes or printing the request.  To select a request, click on the request in the grid.  A blue arrow in the left margin of the grid indicates the selected record.


Editing A Request

There are three quick and easy ways to edit the selected request:

Double click on the desired request

Right click on the desired request to show the pop-up menu

Click the Edit button in the data toolbar


Changing Grid Properties (Layout)

You can change the column properties of the requests grid.  Click the Grid Properties button in the upper left corner of the grid and the grid properties window will appear.  You can define the order, width and title of each column.