Inserting Requests

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Inserting Requests

You can insert a new maintenance request in either of two ways:

Right click on the grid for the popup menu, select Insert Request.

Click the Insert button in the Data Toolbar.


ExpressRequest will switch to a single record screen that allows you to enter a new maintenance request.  The screen is shown below with an explanation of each field.  Once you have completed entering the fields, you must save the record by clicking  the Post button on the Data Toolbar.




Field Explanations

Unit / Equipment - The name or description of the unit (equipment) that to be tracked.  Be as specific as possible.  Depending on your system setup, you may be required to select a valid piece of equipment.

Location - The location of the equipment as selected from the list of valid locations for your site.

Request Priority - The priority level of the maintenance request.

Date Desired - The desired date for the service to be performed.

Request Status - The status of the request.  You will usually want to begin the request with a status of Drafts or Submitted.

Date Requested - The date you entered the maintenance request.

Request Number - System assigned request number.

Service - Enter a brief and specific description of the service you are requesting.  Depending on your system setup, you may be required to select a valid pre-defined service.

Mgmt of change - To enable or disable this box you must refer to Express Maintenance - Administration - Configuration - Data Settings.

Check this box if request is not for a repair or direct replacement. Checking this box will force the user who assigns this request a work order to verify the MOC submission has been created and approved.

Service Notes - Enter descriptive notes and more details about the service being requested.


Note: Save inserted record by clicking the Post button on the Data Toolbar.