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ExpressEmail is powerful email server software designed to manage and make outgoing bulk email easy and fast.  ExpressEmail is not designed to replace your existing email program such as Outlook except as it relates to bulk emailing.


ExpressEmail is not intended to be a tool for producing unwanted email (SPAM).  Instead, ExpressEmail is designed to allow you to communicate with customers, prospects, members and subscribers in an efficient and professional manner.


Some of the post powerful features of ExpressEmail include:

Send email to large groups of recipients completely unattended

Send the same email message to a large group of recipients

Send a completely different email message and to everyone in a large group of recipients

Manage unlimited jobs with large groups of recipients in each job

Create emails from other applications by populating ExpressEmail database tables.

Write email recipients and jobs directly into the SQL database from other applications

Include attachments, custom header tags, carbon copies and footers

Use a standard SMTP email account and server for sending email

Sends summary email to sender when job is complete

Comfortable well designed interface makes program use a pleasure

Adjustable width and arrangement of grid columns automatically remembered by program

Easy installation and setup of email server accounts and other information

Built-in Report Builder allows you to completely customize and design reports