Distributing ExpressRequest

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Distributing ExpressRequest


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Distributing ExpressRequest


What is ExpressRequest

If you have purchased a copy of ExpressRequest, you can provide users with a short cut to ExpressRequest.exe.  This program allows non-maintenance users to enter maintenance requests in a simple easy to use screen or via an internet web page.  Users do not necessarily have to know the unit name or proper service to provide.  They can simply enter a description of the equipment and service needed or problem.  A separate help file system is included with ExpressRequest.


ExpressRequest Defaults

There are a few default settings for ExpressRequest which are located in ExpressMaintenance.  You can access these settings under Administration / Defaults / ExpressRequest Defaults.  See that section of the help for more details.


Distributing ExpressRequest

Like ExpressMaintenance, you do not actually distribute ExpressRequest.  You create shortcuts to the application.


1. Server Setup


Install and make sure ExpressMaintenance runs properly.


Install and make sure ExpressRequest runs properly.


Click on the Setup button and set the values as desired.


Leave the Requester Name blank.


Save the setup savings for ExpressRequest.


Exit ExpressRequest.


2. Client Workstation Setup


Go to the client workstation


Use the windows explorer to locate the server drive and the \ExpressTech folder.


Right click on the ExpressRequest.exe file and click copy.


Right click on the client workstation desktop and click Past Shortcut.


Run ExpressRequest from the shortcut.


Using A Web Interface

Because ExpressMaintenance and ExpressRequest are based on Microsoft SQL Server as the database engine, you can also allow users to input requests via a web page.  This can be setup on your own WAN or via the internet.  The SQL Server computer must be on the network.  Sample files are included in the installation for your reference (eRequests.asp, eRequestsOk.asp, eRequestsErr.asp).


ExpressRequest Help File

Make sure the ExpressRequest.chm file is located in the same folder with ExpressRequest.exe.  This will insure users can run the help file from within the ExpressRequest application.


For the most current information, check the Technical Bulletins (FAQ) at our web site at: https://mas.systems/EM-home/index.php/faq/.