Files Required

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Files Required


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Files Required


ExpressMaintenance requires the following files to operate.  This does not include any files associated with the installation and initial database setup.  This strictly relates program files and their support files.


Maintenance.exe - The main executable program for ExpressMaintenance.  This file should be placed in a single location on the computer designated to function as the application server.  Requires Read permission only.


ExpressMaintenance.ini - The text file used by ExpressMaintenance to determine the server and database connection properties.  This file should reside in the same folder with Maintenance.exe.   This file can optionally reside in a different folder provided that folder is specified in the Start In property of the Maintenance.exe shortcut.  Requires Read permission only.


ExpressMaintenance.naf - The network access file used by ExpressMaintenance to determine the licensing and concurrent users.  This file should reside in the same folder with Maintenance.exe.   This file can optionally reside in a different folder provided that folder is specified in the ExpressMaintenance defaults data under Administration / Defaults / Data Formatting Defaults.  All users must have full permission to this file.  Requires Read & Write permission.


ExpressRequest.exe - The main executable program for Express Request.  This file should be placed in a single location on the computer designated to function as the application server.  This file is not required if you have not purchased a license to Express Request.   Requires Read permission only.


ExpressRequest.ini - The text file used by ExpressRequest to determine the server and database connection properties.  This file should reside in the same folder with ExpressRequest.exe.   This file can optionally reside in a different folder provided that folder is specified in the Start In property of the ExpressRequest.exe shortcut.  This file is not required if you have not purchased a license to ExpressRequest.  Requires Read permission only.


Other Files

ExpressMaintenance.xsql - This file contains the SQL scripts to create a new ExpressMaintenance database including all tables and initial setup data.  This file is not required for the program operation as it is used just to create a database initially.


ExpressMaintenance.xrtm - This file contains all of the ExpressMaintenance report templates.  This file is not required for the program operation as it is used just to import the initial reports when the database is first created.