Close Purchase Orders

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Close Purchase Orders


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Close Purchase Orders



Purchasing / Purchase Orders / Close Purchase Orders


Video link below for more info
VIDEO - Purchasing - Purchase Orders



As purchases are received, the purchase order system needs to know that a purchase order is received (cleared) in order to exclude the items from reports reflecting outstanding purchases.  This can be handled in either of two ways:


Close purchase orders through Purchase Orders / Closing screen (shown below)


Close purchase orders automatically through Parts Inventory / Receiving


To close purchase orders through method 1 listed above, simply check off purchase orders which have been received (closed).   Please not that closing a purchase order from this screen does not automatically add the part to inventory.  Only Parts Inventory / Receiving records add items to the Parts Inventory.  For this reason, the preferred method of closing purchase orders is to enter a Parts Receiving record, reference the PO number and automatically populate the items from the PO and close the PO.   For more details, see help topic on Parts Inventory / Receiving.



The Purchase Orders Clearing screen allows you to display Cleared or Open purchase orders.  In addition, you can limit the view of purchase orders to a specific vendor.  The list is always sorted by Vendor and Date. Simply click to check the items as Closed or click to uncheck items as shown below:

