Updates & Releases

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Updates & Releases


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Updates & Releases


New updates or program releases are placed on our web site.  Users are usually notified via email when a new release or update is available. You should always download new releases in order to stay up to date with the latest version.


Effective in version, ExpressMaintenance includes an option under Utilities / Check Updates that allows users to check our website for an available update.   Click on Check Updates and see if you are running the latest release.  If you have entered your Express Tech customer number under Admin / General Information, the function will also verify your status under the Annual Software Maintenance Plan.  If your plan is current, the update password will be provided.  If you do not have your customer number, email support@mas.systems to obtain.


You only need to run the latest update to become completely current.  All prior updates or changes to the database will be included in the latest update.


You can view / download the latest updates from the ExpressMaintenance Updates Page.


Detailed instruction on downloading and installing updates is available at: Update Info.


Release Notes

You can also find release notes on each new version by clicking on the Website button from the main menu of ExpressMaintenance.



Your software version is always displayed in the lower left corner of the program screen.  It is a good idea to state the version when submitting issues to tech support.