Technical Support

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Technical Support


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Technical Support


At Manufacturing Asset Solutions we are committed to making sure your experience with ExpressMaintenance is pleasurable.  We work hard to provide comprehensive Tech Bulletins for frequently asked questions (FAQ) in addition to providing prompt support answers.


Before contacting Express Technology for technical support, please take the time to carefully search the on-line help for a possible explanation.  Make sure that you are asking a specific question about the Express Technology application instead of general Windows or computer use questions that might be appropriate for your IT department or local hardware dealer.  If you are having a problem, please take the time to test the problem a couple of times to ensure consistency and a complete understanding of what is occurring.


Our web site contains a designated page for submitting support issues.  Please prepare your support questions in a manner that is specific and detailed.  Please be specific about the module, screen name and other particulars.  These steps will allow us to more promptly replicate the problem or address your question.


For the most current information, check the knowledge base (FAQ) at our web site at:


Please submit support questions using the support page of our web site at:  



Phone: (888) 571-8556